FAKER_CXX_EXPORT bool | faker::string::isValidGuarantee (GuaranteeMap &guarantee, std::set< char > &targetCharacters, unsigned length) |
| Checks if the given guarantee map is valid for given targetCharacters and length.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::generateAtLeastString (const GuaranteeMap &guarantee) |
| Generates the least required string for a given guarantee map.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::uuid (Uuid uuid=Uuid::V4) |
| Generates an Universally Unique Identifier, defaults to V4.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::ulid (time_t refDate=std::time(nullptr)) |
| Generates an Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::sample (unsigned length=10) |
| Returns a string containing UTF-16 chars between 33 and 125 (`!` to `}`).
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::sample (GuaranteeMap &&guarantee, unsigned length=10) |
| Returns a string containing UTF-16 chars between 33 and 125 (`!` to `}`).
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::symbol (unsigned minLength=1, unsigned maxLength=10) |
| Returns a string containing "~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]|:;\"'<,>.?/".
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::fromCharacters (const std::string &characters, unsigned length=1) |
| Generates a string consisting of given characters.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::fromCharacters (GuaranteeMap &&guarantee, const std::string &characters, unsigned length=1) |
| Generates a string consisting of given characters.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::alpha (unsigned length=1, StringCasing casing=StringCasing::Mixed, const std::string &excludeCharacters="") |
| Generates a string consisting of letters in the English alphabet.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::alpha (GuaranteeMap &&guarantee, unsigned length=1, StringCasing casing=StringCasing::Mixed) |
| Generates a string consisting of letters in the English alphabet.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::alphanumeric (unsigned length=1, StringCasing casing=StringCasing::Mixed, const std::string &excludeCharacters="") |
| Generates a string consisting of alpha characters and digits.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::alphanumeric (GuaranteeMap &&guarantee, unsigned length=1, StringCasing casing=StringCasing::Mixed) |
| Generates a string consisting of alpha characters and digits.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::numeric (unsigned length=1, bool allowLeadingZeros=true) |
| Generates a given length string of digits.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::numeric (GuaranteeMap &&guarantee, unsigned length=1, bool allowLeadingZeros=true) |
| Generates a given length string of digits.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::nanoId (int length) |
| Generates a unique, URL-safe string identifier of the specified length.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::nanoId () |
| Generates a unique, URL-safe string identifier of default length.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::string::nanoId (int minLength, int maxLength) |
| Generates a unique, URL-safe string identifier of random length within a specified range.