Faker C++
No Matches
faker::date Namespace Reference


enum class  DateFormat { ISO , Timestamp }


FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string anytime (DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
 Generates a random date between UNIX epoch and 200 years from now.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string pastDate (int years=1, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
 Generates a random date in the past.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string futureDate (int years=1, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
 Generates a random date in the future.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string recentDate (int days=3, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
 Generates a random date in the recent past.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string soonDate (int days=3, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
 Generates a random date in the soon future.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string birthdateByAge (int minAge=18, int maxAge=80, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
 Generates a random birthdate by age.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string birthdateByYear (int minYear=1920, int maxYear=2000, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
 Generates a random birthdate by year.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view weekdayName ()
 Returns a name of random day of the week.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view weekdayAbbreviatedName ()
 Returns an abbreviated name of random day of the week.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view monthName ()
 Returns a random name of a month.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view monthAbbreviatedName ()
 Returns an abbreviated name of random month.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned year ()
 Returns random year.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned month ()
 Returns random month.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned hour ()
 Returns random hour.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned minute ()
 Returns random minute.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned second ()
 Returns random second.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string time ()
 Returns random time string.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned dayOfMonth ()
 Returns random day of month.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned dayOfWeek ()
 Returns random day of week.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view timezoneRandom ()
 Returns random timezone.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DateFormat

enum class faker::date::DateFormat

Function Documentation

◆ anytime()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string faker::date::anytime ( DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat::ISO)

Generates a random date between UNIX epoch and 200 years from now.

ISO formatted string.
faker::date::anytime() // "2023-12-08T19:31:32Z"
faker::date::anytime(DateFormat::ISO) // "2020-06-16T15:24:09Z"
faker::date::anytime(DateFormat::Timestamp) // "1592321049"
Definition date.h:11
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string anytime(DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
Generates a random date between UNIX epoch and 200 years from now.
Definition airline.h:9

◆ birthdateByAge()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string faker::date::birthdateByAge ( int minAge = 18,
int maxAge = 80,
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat::ISO )

Generates a random birthdate by age.

minAgeThe minimum age to generate a birthdate. Defaults to `18`.
maxAgeThe maximum age to generate a birthdate. Defaults to `80`.
ISO formatted string.
faker::date::birthdateByAge() // "2002-12-07T23:20:12Z"
faker::date::birthdateByAge(20, 30) // "1996-11-14T11:27:09Z"
faker::date::birthdateByAge(20, 30, DateFormat::ISO) // "1996-11-14T11:27:09Z"
faker::date::birthdateByAge(20, 30, DateFormat::Timestamp) // "1718229989"
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string birthdateByAge(int minAge=18, int maxAge=80, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
Generates a random birthdate by age.

◆ birthdateByYear()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string faker::date::birthdateByYear ( int minYear = 1920,
int maxYear = 2000,
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat::ISO )

Generates a random birthdate by year.

minYearThe minimum year to generate a birthdate. Defaults to `1920`.
maxYearThe maximum year to generate a birthdate. Defaults to `2000`.
ISO formatted string.
faker::date::birthdateByYear() // "1965-02-19T02:19:47Z"
faker::date::birthdateByYear(1996, 1996) // "1996-05-19T12:00:23Z"
faker::date::birthdateByYear(1996, 1996, DateFormat::ISO) // "1996-05-19T12:00:23Z"
faker::date::birthdateByYear(1996, 1996, DateFormat::Timestamp) // "1718229989"
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string birthdateByYear(int minYear=1920, int maxYear=2000, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
Generates a random birthdate by year.

◆ dayOfMonth()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned faker::date::dayOfMonth ( )

Returns random day of month.

A random day of month
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned dayOfMonth()
Returns random day of month.

◆ dayOfWeek()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned faker::date::dayOfWeek ( )

Returns random day of week.

A random day of week
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned dayOfWeek()
Returns random day of week.

◆ futureDate()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string faker::date::futureDate ( int years = 1,
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat::ISO )

Generates a random date in the future.

yearsThe range of years the date may be in the future. Defaults to `1`.
ISO formatted string.
faker::date::futureDate() // "2023-09-27T09:47:46Z"
faker::date::futureDate(5) // "2024-06-11T19:46:29Z"
faker::date::futureDate(5, DateFormat::ISO) // "2024-06-11T19:46:29Z"
faker::date::futureDate(5, DateFormat::Timestamp) // "1718229989"
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string futureDate(int years=1, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
Generates a random date in the future.

◆ hour()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned faker::date::hour ( )

Returns random hour.

A random month
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned hour()
Returns random hour.

◆ minute()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned faker::date::minute ( )

Returns random minute.

A random minute
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned minute()
Returns random minute.

◆ month()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned faker::date::month ( )

Returns random month.

A random month
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned month()
Returns random month.

◆ monthAbbreviatedName()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view faker::date::monthAbbreviatedName ( )

Returns an abbreviated name of random month.

Abbreviated name of the month.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view monthAbbreviatedName()
Returns an abbreviated name of random month.

◆ monthName()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view faker::date::monthName ( )

Returns a random name of a month.

Name of the month.
faker::date::monthName() // "October"
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view monthName()
Returns a random name of a month.

◆ pastDate()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string faker::date::pastDate ( int years = 1,
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat::ISO )

Generates a random date in the past.

yearsThe range of years the date may be in the past. Defaults to `1`.
ISO formatted string.
faker::date::pastDate() // "2023-12-08T19:31:32Z"
faker::date::pastDate(5) // "2020-06-16T15:24:09Z"
faker::date::pastDate(5, DateFormat::ISO) // "2020-06-16T15:24:09Z"
faker::date::pastDate(5, DateFormat::Timestamp) // "1592321049"
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string pastDate(int years=1, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
Generates a random date in the past.

◆ recentDate()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string faker::date::recentDate ( int days = 3,
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat::ISO )

Generates a random date in the recent past.

daysThe range of days the date may be in the past. Defaults to `3`.
ISO formatted string.
faker::date::recentDate() // "2023-07-05T14:12:40Z"
faker::date::recentDate(10) // "2023-06-29T18:24:12Z"
faker::date::recentDate(10, DateFormat::ISO) // "2023-06-29T18:24:12Z"
faker::date::recentDate(10, DateFormat::Timestamp) // "1718229989"
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string recentDate(int days=3, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
Generates a random date in the recent past.

◆ second()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned faker::date::second ( )

Returns random second.

A random second
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned second()
Returns random second.

◆ soonDate()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string faker::date::soonDate ( int days = 3,
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat::ISO )

Generates a random date in the soon future.

daysThe range of days the date may be in the future. Defaults to `3`.
ISO formatted string.
faker::date::soonDate() // "2023-07-07T18:19:12Z"
faker::date::soonDate(10) // "2023-07-15T09:59:11Z"
faker::date::soonDate(10, DateFormat::ISO) // "2023-07-15T09:59:11Z"
faker::date::soonDate(10, DateFormat::Timestamp) // "1718229989"
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string soonDate(int days=3, DateFormat dateFormat=DateFormat::ISO)
Generates a random date in the soon future.

◆ time()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string faker::date::time ( )

Returns random time string.

A random time string
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string time()
Returns random time string.

◆ timezoneRandom()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view faker::date::timezoneRandom ( )

Returns random timezone.

A random timezone
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view timezoneRandom()
Returns random timezone.

◆ weekdayAbbreviatedName()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view faker::date::weekdayAbbreviatedName ( )

Returns an abbreviated name of random day of the week.

Abbreviated name of the weekday.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view weekdayAbbreviatedName()
Returns an abbreviated name of random day of the week.

◆ weekdayName()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view faker::date::weekdayName ( )

Returns a name of random day of the week.

Name of the weekday.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view weekdayName()
Returns a name of random day of the week.

◆ year()

FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned faker::date::year ( )

Returns random year.

A random year
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT unsigned year()
Returns random year.