#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "faker-cxx/export.h"
#include "faker-cxx/types/locale.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::git::branch (std::optional< BranchIssueType > issueType=std::nullopt, unsigned maxIssueNum=100) |
| Returns a random branch name.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::git::commitDate (unsigned years=15) |
| Generates a random date in form of string.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::git::commitEntry (std::optional< unsigned > dateYears=std::nullopt, std::optional< unsigned > shaLength=std::nullopt, Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Generates a random commit entry in form of string.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::git::commitMessage () |
| Generates a random commit message.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string | faker::git::commitSha (unsigned length=40) |
| Returns a random SHA hash.