FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::bear (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of bear.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::bird (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of bird.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::cat (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of cat.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::cetacean (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of cetacean.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::cow (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of cow.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::crocodile (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of crocodilia.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::dog (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of dog.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::fish (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of fish.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::horse (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of horse.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::insect (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of insect.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::lion (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of lion.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::rabbit (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of rabbit.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::rodent (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of rodent.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::snake (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random species of snake.
FAKER_CXX_EXPORT std::string_view | faker::animal::type (Locale locale=Locale::en_US) |
| Returns a random type of animal.